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Automotive Industry Report
Key Phone Trends that Impacted Dealer Success in 2022

The new year is the perfect time to look back and evaluate how your dealership performed in the previous year and determine what changes need to be made moving forward. More specifically, evaluating your dealership's phone performance. The phone is your biggest asset, and, without proper management, you could be letting your best Sales opportunities fall through the cracks and missing out on high-dollar Service opportunities.

In early January of 2023, Car Wars conducted research to analyze the phone performance of nearly 3,000 automotive dealerships from 2019 to 2022. Through our study, we have captured data that further verifies the importance of the phone at your dealership. Learn data-backed tactics and eye-catching trends in the car industry from 2022 to help your dealership succeed in 2023.

In this comprehensive 2022 automotive industry report, you'll discover:

doneTop eye-catching phone trends in the car industry from 2019 to 2022
doneData-backed answers to dealers' hottest questions about phone handling effectiveness
doneIn-depth and actionable insights to help make informed decisions at your dealership
doneThe secret sauce to improve phone handling at your dealership in 2023
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