The phone can be a headache. You're getting a lot of calls, but don't have insight into how your service advisors or representatives are handling each one. However, Service Departments that effectively leverage the phone hold a distinct advantage over those that don't.
In our on-demand webinar, Car Wars' Teresa Bordenet and Barbie Brand will share four distinct phone handling habits top Service Departments swear by to fill service bays, improve CSI, and capture more revenue.
You'll walk away from this FREE webinar with:
Prior to joining Car Wars, Teresa ran the business development and sales divisions at Showroom Logic/PureCars, a technology company providing marketing automation. With almost two decades in the automotive industry, she is passionate about fusing technology and people to help dealers enhance revenue and retention.
Barbie has over 20 years experience in the Auto Industry including 10+ years with Cox Automotive and 6 years at DealerOn, a leading website, SEO, and SEM provider. Having also worked here at Car Wars in 2012, she rejoins the Car Wars family as the National Account Executive. Barbie prides herself on her lifelong partnerships with dealers and looks to help improve their day-to-day business with her industry knowledge.